Chautauqua Region Community Foundation
The Chautauqua Region Community Foundation annually awards over $1.5 million through competitive grant-making opportunities across a broad range of organizations and projects located in or serving Southern Chautauqua County.

Ralph C. Sheldon Foundation
The Sheldon Foundation is a private foundation that devotes financial assistance to advance the physical, educational and cultural well-being of the people of the southerly portion of Chautauqua County, New York.

United Way Chautauqua County
In 2024, the United Way of Northern Chautauqua County and the United Way of Southern Chautauqua County merged. United Way’s annual fundraising campaign provides the resources to make grants in the areas of Youth Opportunity, Health Equity, Community Resilience and Self-Sufficiency. Funds are granted on a two-year cycle.